Running on the Edge of Glory

A NYC story of love, tragedy, blame, and redemption resulting in Joel becoming an orphan. He runs away from foster care and ends up running from street gangs until he is stabbed 8 times after saving a girl. He survives with amnesia and meets the love of his life, but she won’t marry a non-believer. Heartbroken, he graduates and leaves the Big Apple to teach in Ohio. After 7 happy years of teaching, he gets a phone call from his twin sister. The last thing he packs is his 357 revolver in his bike tank before he returns to NYC. What happens next when arrives at his parent’s church makes the angels cry.





Remember the short prayer that Jesus taught His disciples and followers called The Lord’s Prayer? If someone got 10 cents for each time it was prayed by all the people on earth just for one year, you would be rich or something close.


God planned for us to learn the prayer in Sunday School, Bible school and at weddings so we would get in on the coming blessing. The Father and the Son knew it would become a universal prayer repeated all over the world every day for the past 2000 years by billions of people. There’s something about our words, whether they are good or bad, that do come true.


The Godhead created the prayer as a way to bless hundreds of billions of people who would be saying the prayer daily. He and the Father planned to use the middle part of the prayer for such a time as this for a great blessing to the whole world.


Here is the prayer…


Our father which art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
On earth
As it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts
As we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom and the

Power and the glory forever!


The second sentence in bold letters is the secret anomaly to the coming miracles. Each time a person says these words they are “allowing the kingdom of heaven to come upon the earth”. We know much more about the earth than we know about the “kingdom” in Heaven coming. The dictionary online says a “kingdom” is the domain over which the spiritual sovereignty of God or Christ extends, whether in heaven or on the earth.


Jesus told His followers many times that His kingdom was not of this world but referred it to be in Heaven. So, another name for Heaven must be “kingdom”. The word kingdom is mentioned 163 times in the New Testament of the Bible.


Jesus said,

“Repent! For the kingdom of God is at hand.”

That meant salvation was going to be available very soon because Jesus was going to suffer and die for all humanity making it easily accessible to all who believe.

Jesus said,

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God.”

This meant when you seek for the kingdom or heaven it’s is the same as looking for God.


“I came to preach the gospel on how to go to the kingdom of heaven.”

Jesus always explained how great His Father was and how He loved all the different races of people and He wanted them safe in His heavenly kingdom with Him. Of course, Heaven is one big kingdom made up of different people from different nations, countries, continents from the earth. (I will write about what’s in Heaven’s kingdom soon.)


So, what does the prayer part mean that says “thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven?” Is Heaven coming down to earth, yet? Yes, the kingdom has been coming down to the earth spiritually in spurts slowly since 2012 in remote areas. Too bad the media isn’t picking up on it or they are ignoring it. God has His own reasons for the kingdom coming slowly upon the earth.


This great thing coming is called “The Great Awakening”. The Holy Spirit will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh including all mankind, wild animals, birds, fish, pets, and creatures in the seas. There will be signs and wonders in the sky better than fireworks, and the revealing of the glory of God will fall on every country, nation, state, city, school, house, bar, workplace, restaurant, theater, etc. People will bask in the love of God for hours and days and never want Him to leave. It will still be up to each unsaved person to decide if they want to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. (Joel 2:28-30)


So many people will be healed by angels bringing down hundreds of thousands of brand new made organs, eyes, eardrums, legs, feet, hands, stomachs, bones, brains, fingers from the ‘Unclaimed Body Parts’ Building” in Heaven. Hospitals all over the world will be emptied of the sick, diseased, & the dying brought back to life. The dead will be prayed back from the urn of dust and made totally well. Many cures for diseases will be found and inventions will be discovered by the thousands. Christians will command the hot lava to go back into the volcano, forest fires to stop, and the hurricanes will disburse out to sea.


Modern technology will take off, inspiring others to join in, and invent unique things. Hope will be restored to those who had no hope. Every mental & physical disorder will be totally healed. Unusual miracles will happen all over the world. Stumps growing back legs and arms. People will dance in the streets with people they used to hate. The glory of God will fill the earth with so much joy, it will feel like Heaven has come down to  Earth! Glory gold dust will fall on cities inside buildings. Miracles never heard about will happen. Millions of people will repent of their sin and surrender their life to God for the first time. Millions of people will receive Christ. Children will preach the word of God and stadiums will fill up by people wanting to get saved and feel the glory of God. There will be a new pardoning made by God for the people who think they don’t deserve to be saved. Saved people will do the same miracles, healing, and works that Jesus did.


We don’t know how long this “kingdom of heaven on earth” will last but the thrill of it will last in our soul and memory for the millenniums to come. People will talk about this great awakening for thousands and thousands of years!

I know this all sounds crazy and too good to believe. The first time I heard it I was surprised, too. I always look for it in the Bible, first then pray about it and wait to hear something similar from several sources. I’ve waited almost a year and I’ve heard it from 3 Bible scholars: Kat Kerr, Sid Roth & several of his guests. The clincher for me is Acts. 2 matching Joel 2 on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all flesh satisfied me! Plus, the 3-5 Bible scholars on YouTube I trust because they show the scripture.

Please leave a comment below to let me know what you think of this wonderful blessing coming. thx.