My first book signing was at HEALTH ON MAIN, Hamilton, Ohio.  Fannie used lots of homeopathic healing remedies.

My first book signing was at HEALTH ON MAIN, Hamilton, Ohio.  Fannie used lots of homeopathic healing remedies.

Snippets of this book available here

Fannie & Wilke: For the Love of a Country Girl

Thirteen year old Fannie Brock only had a year to live out her childhood before she would start courting Wilkerson Lawson. Even her pappy said Wilke was an honest good catch! As Providence would have Fannie kept running into Wilke in Red Bird, Kentucky!

Fannie Brock from Red Bird, Kentucky by Kathy Storrie

Fannie Brock from Red Bird, Kentucky by Kathy Storrie



 Fannie definitely decided she needed a daily dose of Wilke’s summer blue eyes to calm her nerves. She longed to hear his voice because it flowed like warm butter over her ornery soul. She dreamed of marrying him as soon as possible because a lifetime with this man would not be enough.


Country Road Take Me Home by Emmett     Creative Commons    

Country Road Take Me Home by Emmett     Creative Commons    


Was she ready to give up playing with corn husk dolls, catching crawdads in the creek, orchestrating kitten shows, telling ghost stories and playing tricks on her tomfoolery brothers? She owned a chirpy voice that could spellbind a person one minute and cuss them out like a sailor next.


                               Wagon in the snow by Rick Cooper    Creative Commons …

                               Wagon in the snow by Rick Cooper    Creative Commons     


On occasion, Fannie’s white veil of purity clashed with her red-hot temper especially when hearing gossiping old biddies in the General Store. They said she was too plain, too dumb and too poor to be a future governor’s wife. They bragged that their daughters were ten times more qualified for Wilke than that country bumpkin!




                                           Mountain Lion by benjeroni  Creative Commons   

The one thing that convinced Wilke that Fannie was the only girl for him wasn’t when she drew a crowd while dancing a jig; or when she got soaking wet after she fell in a water trough; or the time she delivered a baby; nor when she learned how to read. It was when he left her alone on a snowy, mountain road she killed a mountain lion in self-defense. Wilke could have any beautiful, prestigious girl in all of Kentucky on his arm but none of them compared to the selfless, eye-catching, vivacious country girl called Fannie Brock. 

Snippets of this book available here