GOOD NEWS! There is HOPE for America, but few know, or believe it. There’s so much doom and gloom from the lips of so many preachers, teachers, and Christians on YouTube! “They say, God will have to apologize to Sodom & Gomorrah for letting America get by with so much evil!”

I used to believe that hogwash, but not after I was reminded of 20 scriptures that support this! I'll share later.

Yes, America will experience more negative stuff, but America is NOT going under, if God has anything to do with it! If Kim Jong Un of North Korea, Putin of Russia and Assad of Iran, want to send their missiles over, let them! We have the power to direct the missiles into the ocean! Jesus gave us the power of prayer to command the mighty host of Heaven to tear down the satanic strong holds and nullify all evil plans against us!

America will not go under on God’s Watch! Despite our many faults, as once a Christian nation, God still dearly loves His America, which He planned before the foundation of the world. Like any child, America has her faults and she has her potential for glory!

Has any other nation in the world sent as much food, medicine, & supplies during a world crisis, how to plant crops, and military protection, and missionaries to teach the Bible, reach the unsaved, and spread the gospel?


GOD planned and foretold a special time to come through his prophet, Joel. That being Joel 2:28-29, which has not happened . . . YET.

28)And, it shall come to pass afterwards that I will pour out my Spirit UPON ALL FLESH; and your sons & daughters (Christians) shall prophesy, your old men shall see visions.

29)And, also upon the servants & handmaids (Jews) in those days will I pour out My Spirit.

Can you imagine every person (all human flesh) in the entire world having the Spirit of God poured upon them at the same moment!? It doesn’t mean everyone will be saved, but everyone will feel the Spirit of God, some for the first time, and have the opportunity to accept or reject His Son Jesus Christ. Christians will have the extra power to be a bold witness to help unbelievers understand salvation and lead them to Christ.

Some Christians call this time: THE GREAT AWAKENING, THE KINGDOM AGE, OR THE GREAT HABITATION of the HOLY SPIRIT. This great outpouring of God’s Spirit will happen before the RAPTURE and Great Tribulation.

God has been waiting forever for this moment in time. so He can show the whole world at once, HE IS THE ONE TRUE GOD!

He planned this before the foundation of the world! People will be talking about it for thousands of years after if happens! The Father told Jesus to teach us how to prepare for this Kingdom Age by praying or saying the words to allow it:

Our Father Who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name; thy KINGDOM COME THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!! (This is not the Millennium) For a short period we will experience heaven on Earth so many unbelievers can become saved!!!!

The LORD’S PRAYER has been prayed all over the World in every language for over 2,000 years!
His Kingdom on Earth. . . is coming to our planet very soon!
Do not lose HOPE!